About Frank

As a Texas-based Graphic Designer, Frank is a creative investigator. He’s someone who takes the time to communicate, listen and understand other people. When he’s not designing, Frank face paints at the San Antonio Zoo, always putting smiles on people’s faces of all ages. With patience and creativity, he wants to create smiles with the connections he builds through the narrative of graphic design.


Artist Statement

The earth is filled with an abundant amount of animals, living in different regions in the world. Every one of these regions is home to an ecosystem and every ecosystem is home to a living animal. In short terms, an ecosystem is a biological community of living beings, interacting with non-living beings and the physical environment. 

Each system is distinct and has its own characteristics that play a part in the life cycle. Together these fascinating ecosystems and the animals that live within share a beauty that gives them individuality, ultimately promoting life. This beauty that makes us unique and different gives us our intention in the world…that is my spark.

With every animal having unique differences that benefit them in the wild, they display their intention to survive the sudden changes to the environment. Made with instincts that allow them to thrive, animals have the ability to show the world all they can do in the future that awaits us. Everyone and everything has an intention to present and every intention is specific to the presenter. This is what makes us different, differences that should be embraced, differences that contribute to this evolving life.

Building Connections

With Plenty Of Smiles